
Donate Today to the Coquitlam--Port Coquitlam Conservatives

Help elect a Conservative Member of Parliament for Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam!

Local election campaigns are expensive to run — with costs of over $100,000! These campaigns are funded by generous local supporters like you. We know it's a difficult time for many Canadians, but every little bit helps.

Remember, your donation is eligible for a generous federal income tax credit of up to 75%. The best value is a $400 contribution that will only cost you $100 after your $300 tax credit. This is less than $10 a month to ensure a stronger more conservative Canada.

Rest assured, 100% of your donation stays in the Tri-Cities to help elect the local Conservative Party candidate. Please support the grassroots Conservative movement by making a donation today.

For more information about donations and tax credits, please visit CRA and Elections Canada.